reglogo How to update Admin Email Address for .Ca Domains
.Ca domains are controlled by the CIRA registry and can work a little differently from other domain extensions.
Normally you would update your admin contacts by logging into your RegCa control panel.
If the result says, "update successful" that is all you need to do.
If your registrant profile was not set to CWA, this means that you have specified the need to login into CIRA at: to confirm your update.
As long as you have the CIRA username and password all is well.
If you don't have the CIRA username and password you can request it be sent to you using the link at the bottom of the RegCA admin update page or at the CIRA login page.
If your email address is out of date we suggest you look very carefully for the CIRA login as the only alternative is the MCAC procedure.

The MCAC proceedure:
  1. Go to  and order the MCAC initiation.  
  2. Download the form.  Determine carefully which one you need.

This is an arduous process that requires much time and effort and must be rigorously adhered to.
We suggest that you change the email address and as little else as possible to reduce errors.
The rest can be updated easily once you get your CIRA username and password.
You must follow all instructions carefully and do not abbreviate.
Use the witness as outlined in the documents.
If your domain is under a company then print out the documents on company letterhead.
When complete fax the document to 1-604-533-0591
This process can take several weeks to complete.
Any mistakes can result in a refusal and then you must complete the process over again.

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